Hello friends and family!! Sorry I didn't write last week, I was just on a long plane ride to CAPE VERDE WOOT WOOT!! We arrived at 2 in the morning on Wednesday and yikes, we were absolutely exhausted. Travel will do that to ya. And I was suddenly very grateful for my little 5'2" body that could curl up in any chair in the airports and the airplane and sleep for a couple hours. It was awesome, loved the genes right then. Haha, sometimes I think I'm funny, sorry about that :)
Ok this is the Week 7 segment. CAN I JUST BRAG ABOUT MY DISTRICT!!? Oh man, I miss them so much, they are just about the best 11 people I've ever come in contact with, I miss them to death. But anyway, I had a really emotional last week at the MTC, just leaving and having to say goodbyes again really got to me. But I had a lot of little spiritual experiences that really got me through the week, I'm so grateful for the goodness of God in His simple, yet amazingly powerful tender mercies. Also, Elder Quentin L. Cook came to the MTC!! Wow it was awesome, he is so so great. The minute any apostle walks in a room, you just KNOW that they represent the Lord. What an awesome thing. His message had a lot to do with the atonement. If you want to know, just read Alma 34 this week. You'll know.
The coolest experience I had last week was so special. My companion and I were the music coordinators for our MTC branch, so we had to find a special musical number for sacrament every week. We had 3 piano players and a tuba and trumpet player. You can already assume how great that was to work with. Long story short, it came down to me accompanying this Sister in another district. I went to pick up some music from the library only to find it closed for the entire weekend. Awesome. I was high key freaking out, but then suddenly I heard this music in my head to "Nearer My God to Thee." I swear I had heard it before. So I decided to try and pluck it out on the piano. Another long story short, I was able to make up the rest of the song in about an hour and we performed in sacrament meeting the next day. All I can say is God and The Holy Spirit work in very mysterious ways, who knew He could answer a prayer through placing music in my head and heart? I sure didn't, but now, I'll just let you guess :)
The night before a group of our district would leave, the Elders gave us blessings. Wow the priesthood is so amazing, strive to have and keep it in your life! You will never be disappointed. Anyway, our district leader, Elder Ernstberger, gave me my blessing, it was his first blessing EVER!! And I hold it among one of the most touching blessings I've ever received. He answered questions I had been praying for for months. And of course he didn't know about them, but the Lord sure did. Use the priesthood, hold it sacred. What a blessing it is to have the power of God on the Earth, in our wards, and in our own homes if we choose. After blessings, we said our goodbyes and yikes, I could've died, they were the WOOORRRST. Because they are seriously the best. I'm so grateful to have made such great friends as these.
Week 7 pics:
1. THE DISTRICT with our awesome teacher Sister Pendleton who went to Cape Verde for her mission!! (Far right)

2. Thought it was cute.
5. LAST DAY, how do you say BUMMER in Portuguese?
As I said, we arrived super late and we arose at 6:30, as normal. This proved to be not the greatest benefit because we were DEAD tired, but what can you do? We met our Mission President, President Amo, and he's the best!! We were assigned companions and areas, so my companion is Sister Fialho! She is from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and she is an ANGEL!! Heavens, I love her. We flew to our assignment, the island of Sao Vicente, Cha D'Marinha, but before we flew out, we went and visited a member that Sister Fialho knew in Praia and it was awesome! She, Manuela, had to kids, Raissa and Ronilson, and we just talked and I got to play with the kids the whole time. My my, they were ADORABLE!! They made me feel so welcome and danced with me and made me sing an Ed Sheeran song with them ("Thinking out Loud") and it was such a blast.
When we arrived in Sao Vicente, I just remember feeling terrified. I didn't know anyone, I was scared of everything. But it all went away when we were walking past this group of houses and this group of about 6 little girls just ran up to us and hugged us. It was such a sweet thing, and it happens more often than you'd think. These people have hearts the size of Texas, but they're tough as nails. I've got a lot to learn from them. On days where it's hard or days I have to take freezing cold showers or ride on sketchy buses or not eat dinner (because apparently that isn't a thing here), I find myself playing a little game called, "But on the other hand," originating from the play "Fiddler on the Roof". I might be living with a lot then I'm used to, but on the other hand, these people live with much less and are some of the best people I've ever met. It goes on like this for a while and I feel better in the end. I can do this. We can all do whatever is placed in front of us, especially with the Lord on our side. We might be humbled, but only for our good and for our own betterment!
That's all for today my lovely people!! Remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you! Reach out to Him in all that you do. You'll only be blessed, I can promise that. Become comfortable with communicating with Him! We pray about 18,000 times a day, and it's only been good so far, so at least try a couple times, I promise you'll see a difference in your life. LOVE YOU!!
Week 8 Pics!!
1. First night in CABO!!
2. MY COMP (Sister Fialho from Brazil) AND AREA!!
3. Our friends Manuela, Raissa, and Ronilson!
4. Sao Vicente, what a sight!!
5. Our cute (and only) mirror! At least we have one!
6. A cute lunch, toast with a tuna, chick peas, and onion salad, naturally with a good dose of salt.
8. My cute comp, love her to pieces!!
9. A little planning on the floor never hurt anybody :)
(Here are a few more she sent me of her apartment)
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